North Kensington Library relaunch planning meeting
Following on from the Friend's last meeting held on Wed 21st Feb, upstairs in North Kensignton Library attended by the Friends, Cllr Will Pascall, Deputy Leader of the Council, and Mike Clarke, Director of Library Services, there was an agreement for the Friends to consider ideas for a relaunch of our Library.
These ideas would then be put forward to the Deputy Leader, Shaun the librarian and the rest of the group with the hope of either having the re-launch take place before schools break for summer or early in the Autumn 2018.
In case you did not make the meetings with Cllr Pascall, some ideas put forward were that we celebrate our Library with artistic adornments both inside and out representing community, local history and environment etc, things that we expressed we would like to see happening and being of focus at the Library in the future.
All welcome.
Friends of North Kensignton Library