A Dull Bulb
Questions, questions, questions.....A few questions about Westway Trust's choices on executive pay posed by this article...
"For charities with incomes of between £50,000 and £1m it [CEO salary] was £42,210; for those with incomes of between £1m and £5m it was £61,938; for those with incomes of between £5m and £15m it was £80,000; and for those with incomes greater than £15m it was £105,000."
WT CEO, Angela McConville receives approximately £120k. IE an entire workers wage MORE than the average for charities with an income over £15million.
Westway Trust's income (according to their report) is half that: £7million.
The good news.... is that the gender gap doesn't seem to be an issue at the Trust.
The bad news...."Most concerning in this year’s survey is the continued lack of progress towards a civil society leadership that is MORE REPRESENTATIVE OF ITS WORKERS AND OF THE BENEFICIARIES IT SERVES. With 91.2 per cent of chief executive respondents stating their ethnicity as white, and 100 per cent of chairs surveyed saying the same, we have a long way to go."
An organisation that ought to be a beacon in the sector....is a bit of a dull bulb.